Niall Kenyon Niall Kenyon

There are 4 main roles muscles perform:

Agonist: Is known as the prime mover this muscle contracts to produce force and controls the movement, it is also the target muscle for the exercise.

Antagonist: is the opposing muscle and the one that relaxes to allow movement to occur, this muscle is usually responsible for the opposite joint action.

Synergists: assist the agonist by modifying the desired movement an example being the bench press the pectoralis major is the prime mover but the deltoids and triceps are involved to a lesser extent (they can be thought off as secondary muscles).

Fixators: fix joints in place so they can remain stable and the agonist can work efficiently. In the press-up the core muscles fixate the spine to prevent the hips dropping (also called stabiliser muscles)

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Carbohydrates, Fats and Proteins
Niall Kenyon Niall Kenyon

Carbohydrates, Fats and Proteins

Carbohydrates are required for energy and provide body’s main source of energy (4 calories per gram) they form the major part of stored food for later use of energy and exist in three forms, sugar, starch and fibre. The brain works entirely on glucose alone, when in excess it is stored in the liver in glycogen, carbs are also important for fat oxidation and can also be converted into glucose.

Fats are used in making steroids and hormones and serve as solvents for hormones and fat-soluble vitamins. Fats have the highest calorific content and provide the largest amount of energy burnt. When measured by a calorimeter, fats provide about (9 calories per gram of fat), making them twice as energy rich than protein and carbs. Extra fat is stored in adipose tissue and is burnt when the body has run out of carbs.

Protein provides amino acids and make up most of the cell structure including the cell membrane. They are the last to be used of all macronutrients. In cases of extreme starvation the muscles in the body that are made up of proteins are used to provide energy. This is called muscle wasting. As for carbs protein also provides (4 calories per gram of fat).

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