Sweet Treat

I must admit a struggle with a sweet tooth, this is what I try and make when the craving hits me (usually I have Blueberries as well. Blend Pistachios, mix with Greek Yoghurt and lightly cover in Honey, bish bosh.

Pistachio Fennels (50)

Total fat 16g, Potassium (Potassium works closely with sodium to maintain balance of fluids in body. Its also relaxes blood vessel walls which are essential for controlling blood pressure) 350mg, 10g Carbs, 7g Protein, 3g sugar, 5g dietary fibre.

Greek Yoghurt (1cup)

Total fat 22g, Cholesterol 83mg, sodium 132mg, 375mg potassium, 12g carbs, 11g sugars, 10b protein.

Honey (2 squirts)

Total fat 1g, sodium 8mg, 33g carbs, 31g sugar.

Total 39g of fat, 55g of carbs, 44g sugar.

For me I’ve lost weight eating healthy and that’s meant eating full fat, not low fat products, low fat generally can mean more sugar

(check ingredients doing your own research is best way to learn)


Vitamin B