How many reps, sets, rest

When you start exercising particular with some sort of weight try and focus on these elements.

REPS (how many) ‘Stability’ you do a lot more 18-25 REPS ‘Power’ mainly 1 or 2.

SETS (how many times you repeat the REP) for ‘Stability’ its 1 or 2 sets for ‘Power’ its 5 or 6.

1% RM is the maximum you can lift 1 time for example if you can bench press 100kg for 1 REP that is your 1 RM, so in theory you should be able to do a lot more REPS at 50kg. RM = Repeat Maximum.

REST for ‘Stability’ its a small respite 30 secs for ‘Power’ it a long rest 5 mins between REPS.


