I’ve been fasting on and off for 2-3 years, why?
I read and researched awhile ago that fasting can help detox the body and helps reduce inflammation (most disease originates from inflammation). So I started using fasting, how often? well most weeks I do from 12:00 until 12:00 Monday so a 24 hour fast. The longest I have done is 12:00 Sunday until 11:00 the next Saturday, was I hungry normally around 36 hours I struggle after 48 hours I’m fine. Was I weak? no far from in as the body releases ketones a replacement energy source. So what does it really do? please read below, but my advice is speak to a qualified Dr. or at least try to research yourself as its advised it doesn’t suit everyone, but in particular pregnant women and more elderly people.
Food contains glucose.
The fuels that feeds the trilions of healthy cells in your body. BUT
Glucose also feeds something else.
Old damaged cells that have lived beyond there useful life.
By spewing toxic sledge they infect other healthy cells, speeding up the aging process, everything from hairloss to wrinkle to arthritis, cancer and dementia.
But what scientists have relaised is that if we fast and cut off the supply off glucose, the infected cells are starved of energy.
When food is plentiful our food stores excess energy in the form of fat, under the skin and around the internal organs.
When food is scarce, that fat is sent to the liver, where it is turned into an alternative food source called a keto. Its these ketones which provide the emergency energy source, not only for our bodies but also for our brains.
Thus fasting can help us heal ourselves. Best to check and research yourselves though.