Vitamins A, C, D, E, K

VITAMIN A (key sources - Full fat dairy, eggs, orange, yellow, red fruit & veg, leafy greens)

WHAT THEY DO - There are two forms of Vitamin A, retinol found in animal foods & carotenoids which are found in leafy greens, orange, red and greens fruit & veg. Its good for vision, vital part of immune system and maintaining mucous membranes (lining of nose, mouth, lungs & stomach.

VITAMIN C (key sources - Citrus fruit, peppers, berries and leafy greens)

WHAT THEY DO - Helps fight immune system and essential for production of collagen, which can heal wounds and give structure and strength to skin, bone, cartliage, blood vessels, teeth and gums.

VITAMIN D (key sources - Oily fish, eggs. UV-enriched mushrooms)

WHAT THEY DO - Its helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorus from food which are integral to bone development. It also regulates inflammation and immune function and support muscle function.

VITAMIN E (key sources - Seeds, nuts and avocado)

WHAT THEY DO - Its found in membrane of cells and acts as an antioxidant helping neutralise molecules called free radicals, it also supports the immune system.

VITAMIN K (key sources - Leafy green KI, soya, eggs, fermented foods K3)

WHAT THEY DO - Its essential to blood clotting, its role in bone strength is supporting proteins in bone and cartilage, potentially could protect blood vessels.


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Vitamin B