Everyone has a different goal and objective, we are all unique. One person might be starting out and doesn’t want too be pushed to quickly. Some folk love going to gym and blasting out the calories and want to be dripping in sweat. Others may take a more methodical approach and want to build muscle, slowly for longevity. What we aim to do is build a community, no mocking or making people feel unwelcome. You want to get better, then please come and give our community a try, you’ve nothing to lose.
Beginners Strength & Conditioning Class
£5 per session
The Beginner class includes strength & conditioning, H&S induction, introduction to Dynamic stretching & warm-up, basic exercises and static stretching (cool down) and the purpose, all sessions are to focus on stability, moving to endurance in time.
Family Class (parent & child)
£5 per session
Very similar to beginners class, focus on stability, why its important and enjoying a class with one of more of your children.
Full Body Fitness
£6 per session
This class will consist of exercise starting with legs (lower, upper & focus on ligaments and tendons), then core (abs, obliques, glutes, Erector Spinae), followed by chest and back, then arms and shoulders. First two sessions will cover all exercises, then it will be one session focusing on upper body one week, then lower body next week.
Cardio Strength
£6 per session
The cardio strength will involve a lot harder work then other sessions, those sessions will build up to this session, it’ll be a combo of intense work which timings of work/rest will vary so body doesn’t get used to it and it doesn’t become boring. This class really isn’t for beginners as you may sicken yourself and be muscle sore all week.
BEGINNERS FOCUS (leg strenthening)
Quads, hamstrings, Sartorius, Hip flexors, Glutes as well as understanding ligaments, tendons and cartilages
Gastrocnemius (calves), Soleus, Tibialis and Longus muscles